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The VoroMQA server implements VoroMQA ("Voronoi diagram-based Model Quality Assessment"), a method for the estimation of protein structure quality that combines the idea of statistical potentials with the advanced use of the Voronoi tessellation of atomic balls. VoroMQA uses contact areas for describing and integrating both explicit interactions between protein atoms and implicit interactions of protein atoms with the solvent. VoroMQA produces scores at atomic, residue and global levels.

This web server is presented in the following paper:

The method is presented in the following paper:

VoroMQA can also calculate two types of interface-specific scores: quality score derived from the local scores of the atoms that participate in inter-chain contacts; and the estimate of raw pseudo-energy that is a sum of scalar products of inter-chain contact areas and the corresponding values of the knowledge-based statistical potential.

The VoroMQA scoring of inter-chain interfaces is described in the following paper:

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